Steve’s Kite Surfing

weggsIn 2006 I was diagnosed with a relapse of the cancer I had beaten in 2001, Hodgkins Lymphoma. Aged 29 I knew I had a huge battle again , especially now I had 2 pre-school children to support. After months of chemo and a stem cell transplant I was lucky enough to go into remission

Challenge Cancer Through Adventure gave me the opportunity to go Kite Surfing, I decided to take the Kite Surfing course 12 months after my transplant.

It was one of the most exhilarating and demanding experiences physically I have ever undertaken. I had the time of my life and during my course I often felt like I was laughing in the face of my cancer. It was also a great celebration of my 30th year and 12 months remission date.

I am extremely grateful to the team at Challenge Cancer for this chance of a lifetime. Thank You


Posted in Challenges