Jane’s Cinque Terre Walk

CT1Jane writes: How could I challenge cancer through adventure?

I am not a sporty person, but, like many people, have good intentions about getting fit which never quite translate into action. Living in the Peak District, I have always enjoyed walking, but gentle rambles along river valleys are more my style than assaults on peaks.

Getting diagnosed with cancer accelerated my desire to do all the things I had been putting off until tomorrow. I don’t believe this is an unusual response to what at first can appear to be a devastating diagnosis. This feeling of needing to get moving with life helped me formulate an idea for the challenge which I would set myself and present to Challenge Cancer.
I wanted to get fit. I wanted to be in the open air. I wanted to walk. I wanted a break from all the daily routines and demands of normal family life.

A walking adventure in Italy clearly was on the agenda. But where in Italy and what exactly would be the nature of the challenge I was setting myself?

I put my idea to Challenge Cancer through Adventure, and was encouraged to send in an outline of my proposed trip. Challenge Cancer liked the idea, so my adventure was set to begin.

Read more about Jane’s challenge here


Posted in Challenges