John O’Groats to Land’s End

Our latest challenger, Jonathan Booth, will be setting off this week to cycle from John O’Groats to Land’s End. Jon has been diagnosed with Stomach and Liver Cancer, but wants to complete the challenge and, while doing so, raise funds for Western Park Hospital.

Jon is new to cycling, having only started training just over a month ago. But his enthusiasm is inspiring, as seen on his Facebook page and on the Western Park Hospital page –

“I couldn’t believe it when they told me my cancer had returned. My options are very limited now in terms of treatment and the future is somewhat uncertain, but whilst I’m still physically able to do so, I want to set a real example and encourage others going through similar situations to never give up!”

We’ll be posting more about Jon’s progress on his 1000 mile, 15 day ride at @cctauk.

Please visit his JustGiving page for details on how to donate.

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