Tim Gould’s High Peak Marathon

Tim_GouldTim ran the High Peak Marathon, a 42 mile, overnight running race around the high ground of the Derwent Watershed. The event started from Edale Village Hall on Friday 2nd March, when 40 teams of four people were released between midnight and 12pm.

Said Tim,” Our team was called Totley ‘ Third time Lucky’ – as we’ve had to drop out because of broken legs and other injuries twice before! We did it in 12.06 hrs, and all to raise funds for Challenge Cancer Through Adventure.” Speaking to our on-the spot-reporter, Tim paid tribute to the 50 jelly-babies which sustained him throughout the gruelling marathon.


You can still sponsor Tim online by visiting his Justgiving page (right), or click on the picture above.

Tim has already raised £405 with Xerox (his company pledging to add £250 to this total.


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