A Hopey New Year

The Hopey New Year Audax took place on January 7th 2006. The route went from Hope to Ashbourne via Brassington, and back via Longnor and Tideswell, with a total ascent of 1953m. True to form the weather was atrocious, thick fog all day, and blizzards at the high spots, at one point covering the Ashbourne to Leek Road.

The Organiser Roger Butterfield writes:

“Thank you to all who entered this event. The bare statistics were 106 entries, 89 starters and 80 finishers. I think the non-starters probably knew more about the weather than we did. I think most people found the cold and wet a problem so it says a lot for your determination that so many completed the course.
As I said in the notices at the start we do make a bit of profit out of the event. Last year we sent £200 to the tsunami appeal. This year we’re giving the surplus, £160, to Challenge Cancer Through Adventure. In addition Gillian Jones got herself sponsored for the ride and raised another £50. I’ve taken the liberty of sending out their leaflets with the results because I think this is an excellent charity with a very different approach to dealing with cancer. It deserves a lot of support. Next year’s event will be on Saturday 6th January.”

Challenge Cancer Through Adventure would like to thank Roger (and Gill!) for the contributions, and the brave cyclists who all contributed by entering. I hope the experience hasn’t put them off entering again next year.

PS. Roger has designed an ingenious ‘Route Scroller’ to mount your maps and directions on your handlebars. “You prepare the route as a long strip, waterproof it (best with a laminator but document pouches and lots of sellotape works too) and wind it onto one roller. Then as you go along you wind it up onto the other roller. The great advantage is that you can position the relevant instruction right where you want it and your eyes will pick it up quickly. You also don’t need to refold the route. I’m making a batch of route strollers which will sell for £10 each, and all bar the material costs will go to Challenge Cancer. Let me know if you want one”


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